Monday, August 17, 2009


Folks- the time has come.

"To talk of many things:
Of shoes-and ships-and sealing-wax-
Of cabbages-and kings-
And why the sea is boiling hot-
And whether pigs have wings."

As the Walrus famously says in his invitation to the Oysters, the time has come! Time for what, you may ask? And who is that Walrus, anyway? And what became of those Oysters? And who thinks of these things- anthropomorphizing walruses and oysters ?

Well, I cannot claim the genius of Carroll, but I hope to inspire you to discover your inner genius.
This blogspot is a space for you to contemplate and ruminate upon all that you read, both in and outside of class. Over the course of this first semester, we will read articles, short stories, poems and novels. Your creative responses are welcome here, any time-day or night- java not required.

Please respond to the title of the blog and the poem referenced above by September 1, 2009 for a chance to win fantastic blog-prizes!

I look forward to the jabber....

Mrs. Tsuna